Special Orders
We are delighted to offer a Special Order service to all our customers in store and online. A special order may be requested by emailing
[email protected] or telephoning our Stamford store on
01780 755405 during opening hours of Monday to Saturday 10:00hrs – 17:00hrs.
Special orders may be requested for items not currently in stock, different colours or sizes not normally held by Chameleon where the supplier holds such stock.
We will confirm availability of any such special order requests before contacting you to confirm the order and take the deposit.
Once the goods have been received by us we will contact you to ask whether you wish the item to be posted (P&P will be charged in line with our website) or collected in store; any outstanding balances will be taken at this point.
A non-refundable and non-transferrable 50% deposit is required for all special orders.
Unfortunately, once ordered, an item cannot be cancelled by Chameleon Boutique Ltd or the customer which is why such a deposit must be charged.